Important Information about Lifespring in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic
This has been a challenging year for all of us and we hope you are staying safe and well. The following announcements and information provide a guide to the various actions and opportunities of Lifespring in the coming months.
Members of the Lifespring Board have continued to work to monitor the unfolding pandemic and to develop new opportunities for us to come together and stay together as our Lifespring community. At our June Board meeting, the following important actions were approved. Please read them carefully and feel welcome to send any questions, comments, or concerns you might have to [email protected].
Fall 2020 semester is cancelled
The Board has unanimously approved the motion to cancel (with concern and regret) the in-person classes normally held at the WJC for the fall 2020 semester. Maintaining the social distancing and masking protocols so important to our health would not be practical or realistic in our classroom settings. We have consulted with other Institutes of Lifetime Learning in the area and we are unified in taking this cautious, measured, and necessary decision.
Membership and Dues
The Board has endorsed the following policy: In view of the current situation with COVID-19 and the uncertainty we face for the remainder of 2020 with regard to the impact that the virus will have on our Lifespring program, the Lifespring Board will extend the current membership year until December 31, 2020 without any additional charge to our current members. (Our usual membership term begins in August and concludes at the end of July)
We feel that this policy will give us the flexibility and fluidity to determine the format and amount of on-line programming we can offer for the remainder of the year while signaling to our members the importance of sustaining our Lifespring Community, collectively, in this uncharted and ever-changing time. We hope to be able to offer a half-year membership of physical classes as well as admit new members for the spring of 2021 but, as we all know, that is just a glimmer on the horizon at this point in time.
Going Online with Some Courses
In an effort to maintain our Lifespring Community in these difficult times, the Board has approved the expenditures needed to equip ourselves with the technology to work toward providing some on-line classes for the Fall. This has involved the creation of a Lifespring technical committee led by Laura Phillips. This group has been actively working to explore various technologies and has decided to use Zoom for our Lifespring needs. They are learning the Zoom options, developing tutorials, and setting up the ability to work with presenters and Lifespring members to make all of this possible in a smooth, safe, and secure way. In addition, the Curriculum Committee is exploring options for classes that will fit the on-line format while offering some choices and opportunities for our fall classes.
This has been a challenging year for all of us and we hope you are staying safe and well. The following announcements and information provide a guide to the various actions and opportunities of Lifespring in the coming months.
Members of the Lifespring Board have continued to work to monitor the unfolding pandemic and to develop new opportunities for us to come together and stay together as our Lifespring community. At our June Board meeting, the following important actions were approved. Please read them carefully and feel welcome to send any questions, comments, or concerns you might have to [email protected].
Fall 2020 semester is cancelled
The Board has unanimously approved the motion to cancel (with concern and regret) the in-person classes normally held at the WJC for the fall 2020 semester. Maintaining the social distancing and masking protocols so important to our health would not be practical or realistic in our classroom settings. We have consulted with other Institutes of Lifetime Learning in the area and we are unified in taking this cautious, measured, and necessary decision.
Membership and Dues
The Board has endorsed the following policy: In view of the current situation with COVID-19 and the uncertainty we face for the remainder of 2020 with regard to the impact that the virus will have on our Lifespring program, the Lifespring Board will extend the current membership year until December 31, 2020 without any additional charge to our current members. (Our usual membership term begins in August and concludes at the end of July)
We feel that this policy will give us the flexibility and fluidity to determine the format and amount of on-line programming we can offer for the remainder of the year while signaling to our members the importance of sustaining our Lifespring Community, collectively, in this uncharted and ever-changing time. We hope to be able to offer a half-year membership of physical classes as well as admit new members for the spring of 2021 but, as we all know, that is just a glimmer on the horizon at this point in time.
Going Online with Some Courses
In an effort to maintain our Lifespring Community in these difficult times, the Board has approved the expenditures needed to equip ourselves with the technology to work toward providing some on-line classes for the Fall. This has involved the creation of a Lifespring technical committee led by Laura Phillips. This group has been actively working to explore various technologies and has decided to use Zoom for our Lifespring needs. They are learning the Zoom options, developing tutorials, and setting up the ability to work with presenters and Lifespring members to make all of this possible in a smooth, safe, and secure way. In addition, the Curriculum Committee is exploring options for classes that will fit the on-line format while offering some choices and opportunities for our fall classes.
We have planned the following events and all our members are invited and encouraged to attend!
The Annual Meeting will be held online on June 24th. We are planning to hold a Zoom webinar annual meeting on Wednesday, June 24th at 10 am. Members will receive several emails about this event with information about joining the meeting, the agenda, as well as plenty of instructions and encouragement! This is an easy way to introduce yourself to an on-line Lifespring activity. Unfortunately, you will have to supply your own quiche and coffee!
A One-Session Course is planned for July. We are planning to hold a one-session class (any Lifespring member can sign up) for a date in July to be determined. This will give you an opportunity to experience a Zoom-meeting class. Again, members will receive several instructive emails to help you have a successful experience with this new way of sharing a learning experience with other Lifespring members.
The Dates for the Fall Semester are Set. The Curriculum Committee is working actively to line up on-line courses for the fall term. The plan is to offer several courses starting on Wednesday, September 30th through Wednesday, November 4th (6 Wednesdays, as usual). This is currently a work in progress and much will depend on securing willing presenters and being able to provide the technical support needed to produce and monitor the courses in a way that makes them easily accessible and allows for a shared learning experience. Announcement of the courses and a simplified registration process will take place in August.
What Happens Next? Over the next few weeks and months, you will be receiving several emails from Lifespring about all of the above. We will not be producing a catalog in the normal format; however, you will have ample opportunity to register for any or all of the classes and events mentioned above using the same type of email technology that we used for the very successful Lifespring elections. All of the events and classes will be open only to current Lifespring members and, as mentioned earlier, will have no additional charge for current members (through 12/31/2020).
Life has changed for all of us, but with a spirit of adventure and a shared sense of optimism inherent in our Lifespring community, we can rise to the challenges, help each other, and do the best we can to continue our mission of life-time learning together. As always, we welcome your suggestions and comments on this new endeavor.
Susan Puretz
President, Lifespring Saugerties Adult Learning Community
The Annual Meeting will be held online on June 24th. We are planning to hold a Zoom webinar annual meeting on Wednesday, June 24th at 10 am. Members will receive several emails about this event with information about joining the meeting, the agenda, as well as plenty of instructions and encouragement! This is an easy way to introduce yourself to an on-line Lifespring activity. Unfortunately, you will have to supply your own quiche and coffee!
A One-Session Course is planned for July. We are planning to hold a one-session class (any Lifespring member can sign up) for a date in July to be determined. This will give you an opportunity to experience a Zoom-meeting class. Again, members will receive several instructive emails to help you have a successful experience with this new way of sharing a learning experience with other Lifespring members.
The Dates for the Fall Semester are Set. The Curriculum Committee is working actively to line up on-line courses for the fall term. The plan is to offer several courses starting on Wednesday, September 30th through Wednesday, November 4th (6 Wednesdays, as usual). This is currently a work in progress and much will depend on securing willing presenters and being able to provide the technical support needed to produce and monitor the courses in a way that makes them easily accessible and allows for a shared learning experience. Announcement of the courses and a simplified registration process will take place in August.
What Happens Next? Over the next few weeks and months, you will be receiving several emails from Lifespring about all of the above. We will not be producing a catalog in the normal format; however, you will have ample opportunity to register for any or all of the classes and events mentioned above using the same type of email technology that we used for the very successful Lifespring elections. All of the events and classes will be open only to current Lifespring members and, as mentioned earlier, will have no additional charge for current members (through 12/31/2020).
Life has changed for all of us, but with a spirit of adventure and a shared sense of optimism inherent in our Lifespring community, we can rise to the challenges, help each other, and do the best we can to continue our mission of life-time learning together. As always, we welcome your suggestions and comments on this new endeavor.
Susan Puretz
President, Lifespring Saugerties Adult Learning Community